home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*********************************/
- /* HRTmon preferences and loader */
- /* by Hornet of Alcatraz */
- /* Alain Malek */
- /*********************************/
- /*
- This was my first C program, that's why it is so badly coded ...
- Maybe the whole HRTmonPrefs program should be recoded from scratch
- */
- // compiled with DICE
- // dcc HRTmonPrefs.c HRTmonGUI.o assembler.o HRTboot.o HRTmonLoad.o reqtoolss.lib
- #include "HRTmonLoad.h"
- #include "HRTmonGUI2.h"
- #include "assembler.h"
- #define nb_sectors 300 // nb sectors to write for boot-disk
- __far extern int BootBlock[];
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <reqtools.h>
- #include <proto/reqtools.h>
- /*******************************************************************/
- struct ReqToolsBase *ReqToolsBase;
- int ShowReq(char *text,char*choice); // Show EZRequest. from reqtools
- /*******************************************************************/
- void main()
- {
- struct ExecBase *SysBase=(int*)*((int*)4);
- if (!(ReqToolsBase = (struct ReqToolsBase *)
- exit (1);
- LoadInit();
- MainGTags[7]=(config.autoa & 1); // disable address field
- MainGTags[10]=(config.abs & 1);
- MainGTags[14]=(config.right & 1);
- MainGTags[19]=config.keyboard;
- MainGTags[22]=config.ide & 1;
- MainGTags[25]=config.autoa & 1;
- MainGTags[29]=config.key & 1;
- MainGTags[32]=(config.insert & 1);
- MainGTags[39]=config.delay;
- MainGTags[52]=(config.lview & 1);
- MainGTags[57]=config.screenmode;
- MainGTags[60]=(config.vbr & 1);
- SetupScreen();
- OpenMainWindow();
- sprintf( ((struct StringInfo*) (MainGadgets[GD_address] -> SpecialInfo)) -> Buffer
- ,"$%x",config.address);
- RefreshGList(MainGadgets[GD_address],MainWnd,NULL,1);
- if ( RemHRTmon() )
- ShowReq("HRTmon located\n"
- "and removed.","OK");
- do
- WaitPort( MainWnd->UserPort );
- while ( HandleMainIDCMP() );
- CloseMainWindow();
- CloseDownScreen();
- CloseLibrary(ReqToolsBase);
- exit (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int ShowReq(char *text,char*choice)
- {
- struct TagItem myTags[4]={
- RT_Window,NULL,
- RT_LockWindow,TRUE, // show busy pointer on parent window
- RTEZ_ReqTitle,"HRTmon requester",
- };
- myTags[0].ti_Data=MainWnd; // init RT_Window field
- return ( rtEZRequest (text,choice,NULL,myTags) );
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int MainCloseWindow ()
- {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- // Menu save
- int MainSave()
- {
- BPTR cf1,cf2;
- BPTR lock;
- memset(config.path, 0, 512);
- if ( !(cf1=Open("ENV:HRTmon.prefs",MODE_NEWFILE)) ) {
- ShowReq("Couldn't save prefs.","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if ( !(cf2=Open("ENVARC:HRTmon.prefs",MODE_NEWFILE)) ) {
- ShowReq("Couldn't save prefs.","OK");
- Close (cf1);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- lock = GetProgramDir();
- if (lock)
- NameFromLock(lock, config.path, 510);
- Write(cf1, &config, sizeof(CONFIG));
- Write(cf2, &config, sizeof(CONFIG));
- Close(cf1);
- Close(cf2);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- // Menu quit
- int MainQuit()
- {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int RightClicked()
- {
- config.right = !config.right;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int BootDiskClicked()
- {
- char *Buffer;
- BPTR filelock,filehandle;
- struct FileInfoBlock infoblock;
- char EmptyBlock[512];
- int i;
- int autoaddr;
- if (config.autoa)
- autoaddr = 0;
- else
- autoaddr = config.address;
- if ( (filelock=Lock("HRTmon.data",ACCESS_READ)) == NULL ) { // Lock file
- ShowReq("Can't open file HRTmon.data","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if ( Examine(filelock,&infoblock) == FALSE ) { // Examine file
- ShowReq("Can't open file HRTmon.data","OK");
- UnLock(filelock);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- UnLock(filelock); // UnLock file
- if ( (Buffer=AllocMem(infoblock.fib_Size,MEMF_ANY)) == NULL ) {
- ShowReq("Not enough memory to proceed.","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if ( filehandle=Open("HRTmon.data",MODE_OLDFILE) ) {
- Read(filehandle,Buffer,infoblock.fib_Size); // Read file
- Close(filehandle);
- }
- else { // if Can't Open
- ShowReq("Can't open file HRTmon.data","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if ( LoadABS(Buffer,&autoaddr) == FALSE ) {
- FreeMem(Buffer,infoblock.fib_Size);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- FreeMem(Buffer,infoblock.fib_Size);
- // **** End of loading of HRTmon to 'address' *************
- // **** Now we will make the boot-disk ! ******************
- if (!Inhibit("DF0:",DOSTRUE)) {
- ShowReq("Couldn't allocate DF0:","OK");
- if (config.abs || config.autoa)
- FreeMem( (APTR)autoaddr, ((ULONG*)autoaddr)[5] );
- return (TRUE); //Cancel clicked
- }
- if ( !ShowReq("Insert a formatted floppy disk in df0:\n"
- "Warning ! The disk will be erased.","OK|Cancel") ) {
- if (config.abs || config.autoa)
- FreeMem( (APTR)autoaddr, ((ULONG*)autoaddr)[5] );
- Inhibit("DF0:",FALSE);
- return (TRUE); //Cancel clicked
- }
- if ( !WriteSec((char*)autoaddr,2,nb_sectors) ) {
- if (config.abs || config.autoa)
- FreeMem( (APTR)autoaddr, ((ULONG*)autoaddr)[5] );
- ShowReq("Couldn't write to disk !","OK");
- Inhibit("DF0:",FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if (config.abs || config.autoa)
- FreeMem( (APTR)autoaddr, ((ULONG*)autoaddr)[5] );
- BootBlock[2]=autoaddr; // Load address for monitor
- BootBlock[1]=0; // clear checksum
- BootBlock[1]=BootSum(BootBlock);
- WriteSec(BootBlock,0,2);
- for (i=0;i<512;i++)
- EmptyBlock[i]=0;
- WriteSec(EmptyBlock,880,1);
- Inhibit("DF0:",FALSE);
- ShowReq ("HRTmon Boot-Disk\n"
- "succesfully installed.","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int InstallClicked()
- {
- return Load("");
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int WriteSec(char* Buffer,int Offset,int Len) { // Offset and Len in sector
- static struct IOStdReq diskio;
- static struct MsgPort replyport;
- char *clear;
- int i,result;
- clear=&diskio;
- for (i=0;i< sizeof(struct IOStdReq);i++)
- *clear=0;
- clear=&replyport;
- for (i=0;i< sizeof(struct MsgPort);i++)
- *clear=0;
- replyport.mp_SigTask=FindTask( NULL );
- AddPort(&replyport);
- if (OpenDevice("trackdisk.device",0,&diskio,0)) {
- ShowReq("Couldn't open trackdisk.device !","OK");
- RemPort(&replyport);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- diskio.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort=&replyport;
- diskio.io_Command=CMD_WRITE;
- diskio.io_Data=Buffer;
- diskio.io_Offset=Offset*512;
- diskio.io_Length=Len*512;
- if ( DoIO(&diskio) )
- result=FALSE;
- else
- result=TRUE;
- diskio.io_Command=CMD_UPDATE;
- diskio.io_Data=NULL;
- diskio.io_Offset=0;
- diskio.io_Length=0;
- DoIO(&diskio);
- diskio.io_Command=9; // Switch motor OFF
- diskio.io_Data=NULL;
- diskio.io_Offset=0;
- diskio.io_Length=0;
- DoIO(&diskio);
- CloseDevice(&diskio);
- RemPort(&replyport);
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int CancelClicked()
- {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int addressClicked()
- {
- char *my_string,*p;
- int val=0;
- my_string=((struct StringInfo*) (MainGadgets[GD_address] -> SpecialInfo)) -> Buffer;
- if (*my_string != '$') {
- sprintf(my_string,"$%x",config.address);
- RefreshGList(MainGadgets[GD_address],MainWnd,NULL,1);
- ShowReq("address must start with '$'","OK");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /* convert string in hex and check if really in hex */
- for (p=my_string+1 ; *p != 0 ; p++) {
- val=val*16;
- if (*p>='0' && *p<='9')
- val=val+(*p-'0');
- else
- if (*p>='a' && *p<='f')
- val=val+(*p-'a'+10);
- else
- if (*p>='A' && *p<='F')
- val=val+(*p-'A'+10);
- else {
- sprintf(my_string,"$%x",config.address);
- RefreshGList(MainGadgets[GD_address],MainWnd,NULL,1);
- ShowReq("Not an hex number !","OK");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- if ( val & 0xf ) {
- sprintf(my_string,"$%x",config.address);
- RefreshGList(MainGadgets[GD_address],MainWnd,NULL,1);
- ShowReq("Not a multiple of 16 !","OK");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- config.address=val;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int AllocAbsClicked()
- {
- config.abs=!config.abs;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int VBRClicked()
- {
- config.vbr=!config.vbr;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int keyboardClicked()
- {
- config.keyboard = MainMsg.Code;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int screenmodeClicked()
- {
- config.screenmode = MainMsg.Code;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int SaveBClicked() {
- return (MainSave());
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int IDEClicked()
- {
- config.ide=!config.ide;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int InsertClicked()
- {
- config.insert=!config.insert;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int AutoAllocClicked()
- {
- config.autoa=!config.autoa;
- if (config.autoa) {
- (MainGadgets[GD_address] -> Flags) |= GFLG_DISABLED;
- } else {
- (MainGadgets[GD_address] -> Flags) &= (~GFLG_DISABLED);
- }
- RefreshGList(MainGadgets[GD_address],MainWnd,NULL,1);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int KeyClicked()
- {
- config.key=!config.key;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int repClicked()
- {
- config.delay = MainMsg.Code;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- int LViewClicked()
- {
- config.lview = !config.lview;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************/